“Colt’ Deep 1 Frame EnlargementDeep 1 Frame enlargement from 16mmDeep 1 Frame enlargement from 16mm
Flowers #3 (Kissed by the Sun) (2023)
Flowers #3 (Kissed by the Sun) 2023
Flowers #1 (2022)
Flowers #1 by Philip Hoffman & Alexander Granger
ending series (2020-2022)
ending 1 & endingriver in `ending 2′ending series (Hoffman/Medina)
vulture (2019)
VulturePhil at Strangloscope 2023Marcel Beltran with Phil at Brasil Film Beach Farm Performance, Strangloscope 2023Process Cinema Workshop EICTV 2023`vulture’ Madrid Award 2020Madrid award soom 2020Flower Power: Phil with Alberte at S8 2019Film Farm Aberystwyth University , Wales: Drying Film Deirdre, Terra and participants (2019)Analogue Farm Film Farm 25th Anniversary screening near Manchester UK 2019Film Farm 25th Anniversary screening q & a (2019)Film Farm 25th Anniversary TIFF Photo by Lu Zhang (2019)“Saugeen Takes on Film” 2018: Bottom Natalka Pucan, Kelsey Diamond, Sharon Isaac, Top Debbie Ebanks Schlums, Gail Maurice, Terra Jean Long, Philip Hoffman, Taylor Cameron, Emily Kewageshig Absent: Jennifer KewageshigS8 Fest Group, Spain: Phil with Angel & Elena and gang Flower-Processing workshop(2018)Film Farm: Monument Analogue (2017)Film Farm: Karel Doing 2018Karel phytogram -making workshop 2018Karel with Madi PillerFilm Farm Crew: Marcel, Rob, Deirdre & ScottTerra Jean LongChris Harrison: Underwater FilmingChef Scott MacKenzie & Co.
Mike Hoolboom as Lachlan BrownNahnebawequay 1860Janine Marchessault co-script writer All Fall Down
What these ashes wanted (2001)
Racing Home – Interactive
Marian at Queen Hatshepsut’s Temple 1990
What these ashes wanted 2001
Marian at Queen Hatshepsut’s Temple 1990scraped out figure of Queen Hatshepsut
Opening Series (1992-1995)
Dad & Mom 1990
Destroying Angel (1998)
Chimera (1996)
Sweep (1995)
Sami van Ingen in youthHoffman at ETL, Helsinki, 1990
Technologic Ordering (1994)
20 minute workout meets Gulf War
Kitchener-Berlin (1990)
retrieving the KaiserPhil and totem 1986shooting with Steadicam operator Colleen Graham 1987at Koln 1987Dent Harrison found film Highway to Tomorrow or How One Makes Twothe Berlin Wall 1987Hoffman: filming near Berlin Wall for Kitchener-Berlin 1987
river (1979-1989)
underwater the Saugeen Riverlooking for Leon 1989
passing through/torn formations (1988)
second cousin Andrea plays young Suzie (mom) (Photo: Judy Rozencweig 1984)Sam Cartmell plays Uncle Wally (in youth) 1986shooting at Dachau for passing through (Photo: Judy Rozencweig) 1984Andrea plays mom finding `Babci’ & the cows (Photo: Judy Rozencweig) 1984(Photo: Judy Rozencweig) 1984Babci in nursing home 1982Driouxiox with us boys (Stephen, Babci, Marcel,Eddie,Mark,Driouxiox, Philip) 1961Phil with Babci’s sister Aunt Hanna 1984 (Photo: Judy Rozencweig) 1984passing through (fluid script)
?O,Zoo! (The Making of a Fiction Film) (1986)
Dutch boys 1985Screening ?O,Zoo! @ Rotterdam 1985 (Photo: Ton Maas)?O,Zoo! Photo by Marian McMahon 1985Marian McMahon 1985
Somewhere Between
Jalostotitlan & Encarnacion (1984)
The Road Ended at the Beach (1983)
at Rup Chands cabin 1984June Leaf and Robert Frank 1980Phil with Jim McMurray1980Richard & Josh
Hoffman editing The Road Ended at the Beach 1983
Josh & Richard Kerr @ The Escarpment, Georgian Bay 1980. Photo by Ph
The Road Ended at the Beach
Phil, Jim, Richard & Jack 1980Phil and editor Dave Templeton 1982Philip by Dave Templeton 1982Philomene & Philip at Eisenhower Junction Alberta 1976Richard KerrCal Haddad’s class 1970 (Phil, bottom far right)Mom & Phil
On The Pond (1978)
Philip with Colleen & Frannie 1964Philip & Philomene 1964Bradley Noel (as Philip) & Princess 1978shooting On the Pond 1978Babci with Mom in Czechoslovakia 1949Dad in youth 1946Philip & Mom 1968on Babci’s lap 1956Uncle Wally & Philip 1961