

Flowers #3 (Kissed by the Sun)   10 min., 35mm photogram to HDV, Sil., 2023.    By Philip Hoffman in collaboration with Alexander Granger and Jason O’Hara

These motion picture photograms were initiated through a five hour plunge into the darkroom; remembering the Galician celebration of flowers on the road in Baiona, near Vigo in 2019, here too we made a floral carpet of photograms. –P.Hoffman

A Procession of herbs “emerge in all their structures, colors and epidermis. The motion picture itself becomes a plant which delicately stretches petioles and petals.” – Séance #3-Sentir Comme une Plante, Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle, Paris.


Deep 1

Deep 1
Deep 1 (14:30, 2023)

Filmed over 2 years (2020-2022), at home and away, Deep 1 is a diaristic meditation, flower/plant processed and decayed with hyacinth and lichen extract. Winged and four legged animals, both wild and domestic, traverse the frame marked by a hand-made practice. Filmed in Mount Forest, Ontario and Dawson City, Yukon.

*available on digital & on 35mm

`Deep 1′ preview

Opening audio passage from a recording with mentor/friend          Rup Chand (Ann Arbor 1979). He recites the “Gayatri Mantra”:

Om Bhur bhuvah svah                                                                                                          Tat savitur varenyam                                                                                                       Bhargo Devasya dheemahi                                                                                      Dheeyo yonah prachodayaat                                                                                  The Rigveda (

Deep 1 Frame enlargement from 16mm


“Oh manifest and unmanifest, wave and ray of breath, red lotus of insight, transfix us from eye to navel to throat, under canopy of stars spring from soil in an unbroken arc of light that we might immerse ourselves until lit from within like the sun itself.”                         (translation from Sanskrit by Ravi Shankar)

About looking at things; envisioning a space “where we are not separated from other things.”  – R.H. Blyth

“across the window,                                                                                                         birds and beasts look unaware                                                                                   of their decay” –Ph


Deep 1 (2023)

Deep 1 Ribalta Film Fest Review

Screenings of Deep 1:

Ann Arbor Film Festival USA, 2023 – Jury Award

Ribalta Experimental Film Festival, Italy 2023

(S8) Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico, Spain 2023

Flowers # 1

Flowers #1 by Philip Hoffman & Alexander Granger
Flowers # 1 (3:18, 2022) By Philip Hoffman & Alexander Granger

This motion picture photogram was made during a 5 hour plunge into the darkroom; a procession of herbs.                                                 Séance #3 – Sentir Comme Une Plante

ending series

ending series
ending series (2020-2024)

The 16mm film was shot and partly hand-processed with plants and flowers by Hoffman, and digitally edited by Isiah Medina. ` Trees, farm fields with animal livestock, ponds and plants, and natural artefacts disappear in the flicker effect of landscape compositions where sweeping branches carve moving structures into the viewer’s memory, and the transformations of living image threads remind us of the inexhaustible visual exuberance of meadows and grain.’     `ending 2′  at Crossroads

ending 1                                                                                                                       HDV/Orig 16mm, sound, 4:36 min., 2022                                                               (co-maker Isiah Medina)

ending 3                                                                                                                       HDV/Orig 16mm, sil., 3:28 min., 2022                                                                     (co-maker Isiah Medina)

ending 4                                                                                                                      HDV/Orig 16mm, sil.,2:33 min., 2022                                                                      (co-maker Isiah Medina)

endings                                                                                                                      HDV/Orig 16mm, sound, 9:00 min., 2024                                                           (co-maker Isiah Medina)

ending  2                                                                                                                                   HDV/Orig 16mm, sil.,3:51 min., 2020                                                                       (co-maker Isiah Medina)

vulture                                                                                                                                         HDV/orig 16mm, 57min., 2019                                                                             Kim Knowles on `vulture’

                                                                                                                                                     By The Time We Got To Expo
HDV/orig 16mm & S8, 9 min., 2015                                                                            (co-maker Eva Kolzce)

HDV/orig 16mm, dv & vhs, 45 min., 2014

HDV/orig 16mm, 15 min., 2014

Racing Home
Interactive film, HDV/orig 16mm, S8, dv, vhs. Using Korsakow software, from an unfinished film by Marian McMahon, indeterminate length, 2014                                                                                    (co-maker Marian McMahon)

Lessons in Process
HDV/orig16mm & dv, 30 min., 2012

All Fall Down
HDCAM/orig 16mm S8 & dv, 94 min., 2009

ever present going past
HDV/orig on 16mm s8 & dv, 7 min., 2007

What these ashes wanted
16mm, 55 min., 2001

Opening Series 4
16mm, 10 min., 2000

Kokoro is for Heart
16mm, 7 min., 1999

Destroying Angel
16mm/orig 16mm & s8, 32 min., 1998 (co-maker Wayne Salazar)

16mm/orig s8, 15 min., 1996

16mm/orig 16mm & s8, 30 min., 1995 (co-maker Sami van Ingen)

Opening Series 3
16mm, 7 min., 1995 (co-maker, Gerry Shikatani)

Technilogic Ordering
16mm/ orig s-vhs, 30 min., 1994

Opening Series 2
16mm/orig s8, 7 min., 1993

Opening Series 1
16mm/orig s8,10 min., 1992

16mm/orig 16mm & 8mm 34 min., 1990

16mm/orig 16mm & 1/2″ video, 15 min., 1979/89

passing through / torn formations
16mm/orig 16mm & 1/2″ video, 43 min., 1988

?O,Zoo! (The Making of a Fiction Film)
16mm/orig 16mm & 8mm, 23 min., 1986

Somewhere Between Jalostotitlan & Encarnacion
16mm, 6 min., 1984

The Road Ended at the Beach
16mm/orig 16mm & s8, 33 min., 1983

On The Pond
16mm, 9 min., 1978

Installations, Interactive Films & Music  Videos

Racing Home. Interactive film, HDV, using Korsakow software, from an unfinished film by Marian McMahon, indeterminate length. Produced through ARC (Adventures in Research-Creation) at Concordia University, 2014.  Racing Home

The Dialogic Illuminations of Marian McMahon. Installation, Border Cultures, Windsor Art Gallery, 2014.  Exhibition

Slaughterhouse. Installation, Landslide: Possible Futures, Markham Museum, 2013.   Installation Excerpt

Walk That Way
DV, Music Video/Music by Gigi Minor – Symphony Barn, Durham, 8 min., 2005

Beta SP and 16mm, Multi Screen Presentation, AVEK, Helsinki,  50 min., 1997

Opening Series
Film Performance with poet Gerry Shikatani, Pleasure Dome, Toronto, 1996

Beta SP, 17 min., 1996

Ahead of the Rest
S VHS, Installation at Union Station, Public Access, Toronto, 10 min., 1995

Technilogic Ordering
S VHS, Video Installation, Bio Illusion, Helsinki, 52 min., 1992

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