The Marian McMahon Award

In response to the sudden death of writer/filmmaker and co-founder, Marian McMahon, the Images Festival annually presents the Marian McMahon Award to a woman filmmaker working autobiographically.

Generously sponsored by    

Past Recipients include:

Jennifer Reeves (New York)

Andrea Dorfman (Halifax)

Alexandra Grimanis (Montreal)

Elida Schogt (Toronto)

Libby Hague (Toronto)

Pamila Matharu (Toronto)

Mirha-Soleil Ross (Toronto)

Julie Murray (New York)

Nurjahan Akhlaq (Toronto)

Sarah Pucill (UK)

Naomi Uman (Los Angeles)

Jennifer Reeves (New York)

Wendelien van Oldenborgh (Rotterdam)

Basma Alsharif (Palestine)

Jodie Mack (Hanover)

Brigid McCaffrey (Los Angeles)

Heidi Phillips (Winnipeg)

Lisa Truttmann (Austria)


Los Ingrávidos (Mexico)

Beatrice Gibson (London)